What is Freedom Ministries?
That is a good question. I would say We are a group of people who assemble to develop a greater understanding of our Father God. My desire is to disciple people to bring forth the kingdom of God.
What is the purpose of Freedom ministries?To bring forth the kingdom of God as Jesus instructs unto do in Matthew 6:9-13 (you know the disciples ask Jesus teach us how to pray (read this in tpt) so Our deepest desire is really what our modo is Colossians 1:27 (CHRIST IN US IS THE HOPE OF GLORY) So we desire to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who are hurting, broken hearted, and in need.
How did Freedom Ministries itself come to be?
So, let me say this is truly my Heart! I long to see people transformed through the Love of Jesus! This came to be through much prayer and direction of the Holy Spirit guiding us through the process of creating Freedom Ministries as non-prophet ministry.
How did you start this Ministry?
Well, you know I was seeking God! asking God what is your purpose and plan for me just doing this church thing is not enough for me. Long story short I was led to Warrior Notes School of Ministry founded by Kevin zadai so I enrolled to pursue an associate’s degree in theology.
While working toward this degree the school really encourages each student to start their own fellowship. But as you know I have been a youth pastor many years associate pastor I am currently an associate pastor at Windham COG, training with pastor frank and the team at freedom for me, SO I WAS LIKE God is this something you are calling me to do? and the more I prayed about it the more I felt the desire to pursue this so I took the courses on how to be a warrior fellowship host.
So, what is this Warrior Fellowship in Auburn, Maine all about?
So we could best explain is much like how the New Testament church gathered and worshiped in acts 2: 46 & 47. We meet in a local school library, we come together on Sunday evenings, we have hot food refreshments, soda, Coffie, tea whatever your preference spend like 5:30-6 ½ hour breaking bread fellowship. Then we have a short time of worship a couple of utube worship videos, I play a 15–20-minute video teaching of Kevin zadai provided from warrior notes school of Ministry. After I pass out discussion questions from the teaching, we go over as a group discussion. (This is where the Holy Spirit really gives revelation to those in the group) after this we take communion together, after this we go into a time of prayer, for our schools, our state and our nation!
If time permits, we may discuss some ideas for community outreach.
How do we accomplish all we intend to do in the community and for the kingdom?
First is through prayer and guidance and help of the Holy Spirit.
Second is through who people who faithfully give to freedom ministries
What are some outreaches we have done?
Since we started last November we have been able to bless a family going through hardship with a Thanksgiving basket with some gift cards!
We were able to bless a man who had recently lost his wife and was having a hard time and we were able to fill his car with gas.
Our homeless blessing backpacs outreach was a great success we had so many people partner with us, local churches, friends and family, folks from as far as Ohio the cost to fill these backpacks with supplies was around $4000.00. it just was so awesome how God worked it all out they were completed. We had Paul and Richelle from Crossroads For Him who go out everyday in our community to feed the homeless, help distribute them it was just a complete blessing all around to see so many involved in this.
We recently ministered to a single mother with a gas card and a toy for each of her children. You know the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said I want you to bless her and her children, so we did.
We are in the process of ministering to a single mother who has been sick with an autoimmune disease and is out of work indefinitely. We are praying for her complete healing, and we are going to bless her with a check to cover some of her expenses as people partner with us!
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